- 请求参数
- 响应参数
The Payment Reversal Request Message can be used in the following scenarios:
- Reverse an Earlier Timeout Transaction: To undo a transaction that did not complete due to a timeout.
- Reverse a Charge Due to Non-Delivery: To reverse the charge if the merchant failed to deliver the goods or services.
Other conditions:
- Reversal Amount Limitations: The merchant's server cannot reverse an amount greater than the initially approved amount.
- Partial Amount Reversal: Partial reversals are not supported and will be rejected.
- Acquirer System Support: The ability to process online reversals depends on whether the acquirer system supports such messages.
- Settlement Cut-Off Time: The reversal request may be rejected if the previously approved transaction has already been settled, in accordance with the acquirer’s settlement cut-off time.
字段名称 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 例子 |
PaymentID | String | 3 | 付款方式/功能。 | "C15" |
MerchRefNo | String | 40 | 唯一的商户参考号。 | "2021061414062020000" |
CurrCode | String | 3 | ISO 4217 货币数字代码。 | "458" |
TxnAmt | String (数字) | 12 | 交易金额保留两位小数和千位符号。 注: 最大值为12位;其中包括小数点后的数字。 | "1280.99" |
ExpTxnAmt | String | 1 | 交易金额的指数。 | "2" |
付款撤销响应消息由 PayMASTER 为商户服务器生成,以指示撤销请求的结果。
卡支付流程完成后,PayMaster 将根据完成状态将客户浏览器重定向回指定的返回 URL。
字段名称 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 例子 |
MerchantID | String | 15 | 商户 ID。 注意: 属性文件中存储的“MerchantID”值相同。 | "000010000012639" |
TxnStatus | String | 2 | 交易状态。 | "00" |
MerchRefNo | String | 40 | 商户参考号。 | "20230119110520FNX" |
字段名称 | 类型 | 长度 | 描述 | 例子 |
TxnStatDetCde | String | 4 | 交易状态详细代码。 | "0000" |
TxnStatMsg | String | 256 | 交易状态信息。. | "Approved" |
- 请求
- 回复
CC 付款撤销请求
curl -X GET
"https://xxx.finexusgroup.com/upp/faces/reversal0400.xhtml?h001_MTI=0400&h002_VNO=06&h003_TDT=20230526&h004_TTM=150505000&f001_MID=D1022012123f003_ProcCode=220000&f004_PAN=&f006_TxnDtTm=20230526112551&f007_TxnAmt=000000000100&f008_POSCond=59&f010_CurrCode=458&f011_AuthIDResp=&f019_ExpTxnAmt=2&f023_RRN=&f257_PGRN=&f260_ServID=FNX&f261_HostID=&f262_SessID=&f263_MRN=2021061414062021072&f264_Locale=en&f270_ORN=&f272_RURL_CCR=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fclient%2F&t001_SHT=SH2&t002_SHV=E73CEDA9D9A8D1AAF59BDB919EF7C82D52671A4B457CE816BCE91AFF31485259" \
CC 付款撤销响应