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Appendix 4

Frequently Asked Questions

We have outlined the frequently asked questions for ACDD.

Q1 : How does the system calculate the scoring for attributes?

  • Landmark: If the authenticity flag (authenticityFlg) is set to "T," then the score is 25. Otherwise, the score is calculated as the ratio of matchedNo to totalNo.
  • Name: We assess the similarity between two names (the input name and the extracted name) using Jaccard similarity. Jaccard similarity produces a score between 0 and 1.0, so the score is determined as (jaccard * 25).
  • ID Number: The same approach as Name is employed here, utilizing Jaccard similarity to determine the score.
  • Address: For this attribute, we evaluate a specific field's value. Initially, the total score for this attribute is set at 25.

We then subtract from this score based on the following conditions:

  • If addrLine1 is empty, the score becomes 0 (totalScore-25).
  • If postcode is empty, the score is reduced by 5 (totalScore-20).
  • If city is empty, the score decreases by 15 (totalScore-10).
  • If state is empty, the score is lowered by 15 (totalScore-10).

Q2 : What is the condition that triggers a True/False for possible fraud key/values?

Possible fraud will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  1. Detecting fake IC images, whether they pertain to the front or back image.
  2. Verifying that the IC number on the front image corresponds with the IC number on the back image.
  3. Confirming that the gender specified on the IC aligns with the last number of the IC.

To activate the possibleFraud flag and mark a case as true (possibleFraud=t), the number of hits must exceed a predetermined threshold, which is set at 2.