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Appendix 2

Error Codes


Error Codes will return once specific reasons are met.

Error CodeError Description
4Error reading language table
6Duplicate Reference
8Missing parameter
10Body contains special character
11Body is not a JSON
12Body is empty
16The referenceId does not exist
300Body is missing sourceInfo
301Body is missing interactionMode
302Body is missing holderFaceVideo
303Body is missing idImage
304Body is missing language
305Body is missing idType
306Body is missing idNo
307Body is missing nationality
308Body is missing fullName
309Body is missing device
310The [sourceInfo => source] field is required
311The [sourceInfo => source] cannot be empty
312The [sourceInfo => source] cannot be more than 16 characters
313The [sourceInfo => source] must be alphanumeric
314The [sourceInfo => reference] field is required
315The [sourceInfo => reference] cannot be empty
316The [sourceInfo => reference] cannot be more than 64 characters
317The [sourceInfo => reference] must be alphanumeric
318The [sourceInfo => apiVersion] field is required
319The [sourceInfo => apiVersion] cannot be empty
320The [sourceInfo => apiVersion] cannot be more than 8 characters
321The [sourceInfo => apiVersion] is invalid
322The [sourceInfo => apiKey] field is required
323The [sourceInfo => apiKey] cannot be empty
324The [sourceInfo => apiKey] cannot be more than 64 characters
325The [sourceInfo => apiKey] must be alphanumeric
326The [sourceInfo => partnerId] field is required
327The [sourceInfo => partnerId] cannot be empty
328The [sourceInfo => partnerId] cannot be more than 128 characters
329The [sourceInfo => partnerId] must be alphanumeric
330The [sourceInfo => userId] field is required
331The [sourceInfo => userId] cannot be empty
332The [sourceInfo => userId] cannot be more than 32 characters
333The [sourceInfo => userId] must be alphanumeric
334The [sourceInfo => userToken] field is required
335The [sourceInfo => userToken] cannot be empty
336The [sourceInfo => userToken] cannot be more than 64 characters
337The [sourceInfo => userToken] must be alphanumeric
338The [sourceInfo => productType] cannot be more than 128 characters
339The [sourceInfo => productType] must be alphanumeric
340The [interactionMode => mode] field is required
341The [interactionMode => mode] cannot be empty
342The [interactionMode => mode] cannot be more than 8 characters
343The [interactionMode => mode] must be SYNC or ASYNC
344The [interactionMode => callbackUrl] field is required
345The [interactionMode => callbackUrl] cannot be empty
346The [interactionMode => callbackUrl] cannot be more than 256 characters
347The [interactionMode => callbackUrl] is invalid
350The [idImage => imageFront] field is required
351The [idImage => imageBack] field is required
352The [idImage => imageFront => contentEncoding] field is required
353The [idImage => imageFront => contentEncoding] cannot be empty
354The [idImage => imageFront => contentEncoding] cannot be more than 16 characters
355The [idImage => imageFront => contentEncoding] is invalid
356The [idImage => imageFront => contentMediaType] field is required
357The [idImage => imageFront => contentMediaType] cannot be empty
358The [idImage => imageFront => contentMediaType] cannot be more than 16 characters
359The [idImage => imageFront => contentMediaType] is invalid
360The [idImage => imageFront => image] field is required
361The [idImage => imageFront => image] cannot be empty
362The [idImage => imageBack => contentEncoding] field is required
363The [idImage => imageBack => contentEncoding] cannot be empty
364The [idImage => imageBack => contentEncoding] cannot be more than 16 characters
365The [idImage => imageBack => contentEncoding] is invalid
366The [idImage => imageBack => contentMediaType] field is required
367The [idImage => imageBack => contentMediaType] cannot be empty
368The [idImage => imageBack => contentMediaType] cannot be more than 16 characters
369The [idImage => imageBack => contentMediaType] is invalid
370The [idImage => imageBack => image] field is required
397The [idImage => imageBack => image] cannot be empty
372The [holderFaceVideo => contentEncoding] field is required
373The [holderFaceVideo => contentEncoding] cannot be empty
374The [holderFaceVideo => contentEncoding] cannot be more than 16 characters
375The [holderFaceVideo => contentEncoding] is invalid
376The [holderFaceVideo => contentMediaType] field is required
377The [holderFaceVideo => contentMediaType] cannot be empty
378The [holderFaceVideo => contentMediaType] cannot be more than 16 characters
379The [holderFaceVideo => contentMediaType] is invalid
380The [holderFaceVideo => video] field is required
381The [holderFaceVideo => video] cannot be empty
382The signature field is required
383The contextInfo field is required
384The [contextInfo => licenseKey] field cannot be empty
385The [contextInfo => licenseKey] field cannot be more than 64 characters
386The [contextInfo => licenseKey] field must be alphanumeric
387The [contextInfo => licenseKey] field is required
388The ctxSourceInfo field is required
389The ctxDateTime field is required
390The purpose field is required
391The ctxDateTime field cannot be empty
392The ctxDateTime field cannot be more than 32 characters
393The ctxDateTime field must be numeric
394The purpose field cannot be empty
395The purpose field cannot be more than 128 characters
396The purpose field must be alphabets
510The language field cannot be more than 2 characters (ISO 639-1)
511The language field only accepts alphabets
512The idType field cannot be empty
513The idType field cannot be more than 32 characters
514The idType field must be PASSPORT or MYKAD
515The idNo field cannot be empty
516The idNo field cannot be more than 32 characters
517The idNo field only accepts alphanumeric
518The nationality field cannot be empty
519The nationality field cannot be more than 2 characters
520The nationality field only accepts alphabets
521The fullName field cannot be empty
522The fullName field cannot be more than 128 characters
523The fullName field only accepts alphabets
524The referenceId field is required
525The referenceId field cannot be empty
526The referenceId field cannot be more than 32 characters
527The referenceId field only accepts alphanumeric
528The aivRefId field is required
529The aivRefId field cannot be empty
530The aivRefId field cannot be more than 32 characters
531The aivRefId field only accepts alphanumeric
532The [device => imei] field is required
533The [device => imei] cannot be empty
534The [device => imei] cannot be more than 32 characters
535The [device => imei] must be numeric
536The [device => mac] field is required
537The [device => mac] cannot be empty
538The [device => mac] cannot be more than 32 characters
539The [device => mac] must be alphanumeric
540The [device => brand] field is required
542The [device => brand] cannot be empty
543The [device => brand] cannot be more than 64 characters
544The [device => brand] must be alphanumeric
545The [device => model] field is required
546The [device => model] cannot be empty
547The [device => model] cannot be more than 64 characters
548The [device => model] must be alphanumeric
778The value for [sourceInfo => apiKey] has expired
780The value for [sourceInfo => apiKey] does not exist
781The value for [sourceInfo => apiKey] has been deactivated
782The value for [sourceInfo => productType] cannot be more than 128 characters
783The value for [sourceInfo => productType] must be alphanumeric
784Body is missing mobileNo
785The mobileNo field cannot be empty
786The mobileNo field cannot be more than 16 characters
787The mobileNo field must be numeric
788Body is missing address
789The [address => addrLine1] is required
790The [address => addrLine1] cannot be empty
791The [address => addrLine1] cannot be more than 256 characters
792The value is not in the correct format
793The [address => addrLine2] cannot be more than 256 characters
794The [address => addrLine3] cannot be more than 256 characters
795The [address => city] is required
796The [address => city] cannot be empty
797The [address => city] cannot be more than 128 characters
798The [address => state] cannot be empty
799The [address => state] cannot be more than 16 characters
800The [address => state] is required
801postReqRef is missing
802Insert data to database failed
803Login validation failed
805Login unsuccessful
807Invalid source
809Body is missing docData
810The [address => postcode] is required
811The [address => postcode] cannot be empty
812The [address => postcode] cannot be more than 16 characters
813The [address => postcode] must be numeric
814The [docData => contentMediaType] is required
815The [docData => contentMediaType] cannot be empty
816The [docData => contentMediaType] cannot be more than 16 characters
817The [docData => contentMediaType] is invalid
819Error occurred internally
820The [docData => contentEncoding] is required
821The [docData => contentEncoding] cannot be empty
822The [docData => contentEncoding] cannot be more than 16 characters
823The [docData => contentEncoding] is invalid
824The [docData => document] is required
825The [docData => document] cannot be empty
827The value is invalid
828The [docData => docType] cannot be more than 128 characters
829The [docData => docType] must be alphanumeric
830The [docData => docOrg] cannot be more than 128 characters
831The [docData => docOrg] must be alphanumeric
832The value for [idImage => imageFront => contentEncoding] must be base64
833The value for [idImage => imageFront => contentMediaType] must be image/jpeg
834The value for [idImage => imageBack => contentEncoding] must be base64
835The value for [idImage => imageBack => contentMediaType] must be image/jpeg
846Image has an invalid Base64
860Invalid apiVersion
862Invalid interactionMode
863Your service is deactivated
864Error with request body
865Source has been deactivated
867Source and partnerId do not match
869Error connecting to AIV
899The [sourceInfo] field consist of special characters
900postReqRef is invalid
901Decision has already been made for this postReqRef