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Sales Payment Parameters


Action request URL for SALES :


Configure the field PmtType for Card and QR payment options.

Mandatory / Conditional Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
MsgVerString20Version number echo from the request."1.0"
PmtTypeInt2Type of payment.
"00" - KPOS will display all available payment method, the customer can then choose their preferred method to proceed.
"01" - Card payment
"04" - Duitnow QR payment (Merchant presented)
"08" - Alipay+ QR payment (Merchant presented)
CallerDeviceTypeString20Caller device type."01" - Mobile Device
"02" - Android EDC
"03" - Self-service Kiosk
"04" - ARM - Payment terminal at top right
"05" - Web based
CallerDeviceVerString20Application version number of the caller device."2.0.1"
TxnIDString50Unique transaction ID assigned by caller application.

Note: Caller app, may generate a random UUID for this purpose.
LocalTxnDTTimeInt14Local date and time of transaction – Format: YYYYMMDDMMDDhhmmss"20200131091025"
EmailString100User email address to login.""
PwdString16User password to login."ABCD1234"
AmtTxnNumber12(Amount, Transaction)

The purchase transaction amount in supported currency.

No decimal point appears in this field; the decimal place is implied in Exponent of Transaction Amount according to CrcyTxn defined in ISO 4217 numeric currency code.
CrcyTxnInt3ISO 4217 numeric currency code of this transaction."458"
TxnTypString3Conditional field
Transaction type.

Mandatory if mQPOS integrate with ECR via Bluetooth or Serial Cable.
"STX" - Sale transaction
"VOD" - Void transaction
Optional Fields
Field Name  TypeLengthDescriptionExample  
DescriptionString256Order description"Nasi Goreng"
OptInPrintReceiptString1Opt-in print receipt feature."Y" - Print receipt button is visible.
"N" - Print receipt button is invisible.

Default is "Y"
OptInSendEReceiptString1Opt-in send e-receipt feature."Y" - Send e-receipt button is visible.
"N" - Send e-receipt button is invisible.

Default is "Y"
OptInEReceiptString1Opt-in e-receipt feature."Y" - E-receipt will be showed if card payment successful.
"N" - E-receipt will not be showed if card payment successful.

Default is "Y"
OptInPmtAckmntString1Opt-in payment acknowledgement feature."Y" - Payment acknowledgement will be showed if payment successful.
"N" - Payment acknowledgement will not be showed if payment successful.

Default is "Y"