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OBW Payment Parameters

Method : GET


The following parameters provided to PayMaster for payment processing. Upon completion of the OBW payment process, PayMaster shall redirect the customer browser back to the specified return URL per the completion status.

Mandatory / Conditional Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
PaymentIDString3Payment method / function."D01" - Normal Sales Transaction,
"U02" - UPP Transaction Status Query
EcommMerchIndString1Ecommerce merchant indicator."0" - Non-E-Commerce merchant,
"1" - E-Commerce (3D Secure),
"2" - E-Commerce (Non-3D Secure/MOTO)
MerchRefNoString40Unique merchant reference number."2021061414062021072"
CountryCodeString2ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code."MY"
CurrCodeString3ISO 4217 currency numeric code."458"
TxnAmtString (Numeric)12Transaction amount with two decimals and thousand symbols.

Note: Maximum length includes the digit(s) after the decimal place.
ExpTxnAmtString1Exponent of transaction amount."2"
TokenFlagString1Card tokenization."Y" – Agree to store the card details used for the payment into PayMaster system,
"N" – Disagree/FPX payment
MerchUserIDString50Conditional field
Merchant user ID.

Note: Optional if TokenFlag is "N".
PreAuthFlagString1Pre-authorization transaction."A" – Account verification transaction,
"N" – Normal transaction,
"Y" – Pre-authorization transaction
TokenShrtNameString20Conditional field
PAN (Card Number) Profile reference name.

Note: Mandatory if TokenFlag is “Y”.
CardIssuerCodeString512Conditional field
Card Issuer Code is used to indicate which Card Issuer’s card or BINs/IINs is entitled for the promotion. Appendix 5

Note: Mandatory if PromoCode is "49" or "60". For more than 1 value; use “|” as separator.
"MXX", "43220400|52685200|432206"
FICodeString20Financial insitution code. Appendix 4"RPP"
OrigCurrCodeString3Conditional field
Original transaction ISO 4217 currency numeric code.

Note: Mandatory if OrigTxnAmt exists.
OrigTxnAmtString (Numeric)12Conditional field
Original transaction amount.

Note: Mandatory if OrigCurrCode exists.
ExpOrigTxnAmtString1Conditional field
Exponent of original transaction amount.

Note: Mandatory if OrigTxnAmt exists.
SignatureString8Conditional field
Signature. Appendix 2

Note: Mandatory if PortalUserID is present.
Optional Fields
Field Name  TypeLengthDescriptionExample  
OrderRefNo String34 Order reference number."OTMEGASTORE-20010831-ONLINE-007"

OrderRefNo field has the following format.

First two characters indicate the Usage type and followed by 32 characters of order reference number.

Supported format are as below and subject to future expansion:
EC – eCommerce
MT – Mail Order/Telephone Order
OF – Offline Transaction
OT – Others
AT – Airline Ticket; position 3 to 16 are the Airline Ticket Number; position 17-19 is the Airline 3 alpha code.

For EC, MT, OF and OT - position 3 to 34 are freely formatted by merchant server.

OrderDesc String256Order description."Coffee Table"
UserEmail String256Customer email address.""
UserContact String20Customer contact number."6012888888"
UserIPAddress String30User IP address.""
PromoCode String2Promotion code."01" – VISA card,
"02" – MasterCard,
"49" – Specific card issuer,
"60" – Specific list of BINs/IINs of card issuer,
"50" – Direct Debit only,
"51" – Specific direct debit bank
CardType String3Card type."VSA" – Visa card,
"MST" - Mastercard,
"CUP" – China Union Pay
CCProcFee String (Numeric)12Credit card processing fee."010"
DDProcFee String (Numeric)12Direct debit processing fee."010"
InvoiceNo String50Invoice number."Inv202201120012"
Fee String257Extended fee."f00103200f0020250"

Fee field has the following TLV format.

TagString4Contains the tag identifying the fee type.
LengthString (Numeric)2Specifies the length of the fee amount.
ValueString (Numeric)Contains the actual fee amount as identified in the tag.
SuccRespURLString512Successful payment page.""
UnsuccRespURLString512Unsuccessful payment page.""
CancelRespURLString512Cancel payment page.""
LangLocaleString5Language of displayed page."en"
MerchHostIDString8Merchant host identifier."M2022121"
MerchSessionIDString256Merchant session ID."c8t3gprjtl35ms4sm937hj7s30"
TerminalIDString8Terminal ID."T2022121"
PortalUserIDString256Portal user ID."O5ACzHbvQNm3iNAwdvi1Sg=="
POSEnvFlagString1POS environment flag."C" – Unscheduled credential on file,
"I" – Installment,
"R" – Recurring

Example Message

OBW Payment Authorization Request
curl -X GET "|52685200|432206&f256_FICode=CIMB&f260_ServID=FNX&f261_HostID=M2022121&f262_SessID=c8t3gprjtl35ms4sm937hj7s30&f263_MRN=2021061414062021072&f264_Locale=en&f270_ORN=OTMEGASTORE-20010831-ONLINE-007&f271_ODesc=Coffee+Table&" \