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Configure Properties


The configuration below are done on the OpenCart edit plugin function, refer to Install Plugin.

Mandatory Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
SandboxModeString-Toggle Sandbox Mode."Y"
MerchantIDString15Merchant ID."000010000012000"
HashKeyString64Hash key."4XX6XXaXXfaXXcXX76XX8bXXa3d4bXXX"
EnablePluginStatusString-Toggle Enable Plugin Status."Y"
Optional Fields
Field Name  TypeLengthDescriptionExample  
GeoZoneString100Zones to define specific areas for taxes and shipping costs."All Zones"
SortOrderString10Set sort order for each product."1"
CompletedStatusString50Status message for when payment is completed."Complete"
FailedStatusString50Status message for when failed payment."Failed"
PendingStatusString50Status message for pending payment."Pending"

Example Configuration

The configuration is done directly on the OpenCart plugin. Refer to the images below.

General Tab

alt text

Order Status Tab

alt text