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Payment Response

The following guideline is to explain how to apply the corresponding source codes to retrieve the payment response parameters from the response message returned by PayMaster.

Step 1 : Library

Merchant shall include PayMaster Merchant Plug-In (MPI) Java library – PayMaster.jar into merchant application.

Step 2 : Import

For UPP payment, merchant shall import below into merchant code:

  • com.PayMaster.Entities.PayMasterEntity
  • com.PayMaster.PropertiesReader.PropertiesReader
  • com.PayMaster.MessageResponseBuilder.PaymentResponseMessageBuilder

Step 3 : Source Code

import com.PayMaster.Entities.PayMasterEntity;
import com.PayMaster.PropertiesReader.PropertiseReader;
import com.PayMaster.MessageResponseBuilder.PaymentResponseMessageBuilder;


//Declare variable for Payment Master Properties - 1st Parameter = File Path , 2nd Parameter = File name
PropertiesReader propertiesReader = new PropertiesReader("./PayMasterProperties/","");

//Declare variable for Payment Master Entity
PayMasterEntity paymentResponseEntity = new PayMasterEntity();

//Get response message from PayMaster and set into Payment Master Entity
paymentResponseEntity.setter("ResponseMessage", responseMessage);

//Call Payment Master Payment Response Message Builder to set value
PaymentResponseMessageBuilder paymentResponseMessageBuilder = new PaymentResponseMessageBuilder();
paymentResponseMessageBuilder.buildUPPPaymentResponseMessage(paymentResponseEntity, propertiesReader);

String MerchantID = paymentResponseEntity.getter("MerchantID");
String MerchRefNo = paymentResponseEntity.getter("MerchRefNo");
String TxnStatus = paymentResponseEntity.getter("TxnStatus");
String SHAlgorithmType = paymentResponseEntity.getter("SHAlgorithmType");
String SHValue = paymentResponseEntity.getter("SHValue");
//to do ...


Step 4 : Indicate PayMaster Properties File location using PropertiesReader

Merchant must indicate where the PayMaster Properties File located using PropertiesReader.

Step 5 : Indicate PayMaster Properties File location using setter

Merchant must indicate where the PayMaster Properties File located using setter(“ResponseMessage”,”<response message returned by PayMaster Gateway>”).

Step 6 : Assign value into PayMaster Response Entity

Merchant call to UPP Payment Response Message Builder to message the response message and assign the values into PayMaster Response Entity.


Refer to Pre-Auth Payment Parameters for fields supported by PayMaster Merchant Plug-In (MPI).

Step 7 : Retrieve value from PayMaster Response Entity

Merchant can retrieve the values from PayMaster Response Entity.

  • The getter function is used to retrieve value and the function only accepts one parameter – getter(parameter name).

Make sure that the value of TxnStatDetCde is not equal to 5015, as this represents an invalid secure hash value.