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Payment Parameters

Method : GET


Recurring Payment Request Message is used to request approval from card issuers to transfer the funds from cardholder account to merchant account.

In return, Merchant Server shall expect the corresponding response message from PayMaster within stipulated timeout value.

Mandatory Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
PaymentIDString3Payment method / function."C04"
MerchRefNoString40Unique merchant reference number."2021061414062021072"
CurrCodeString3ISO 4217 currency numeric code."458"
TxnAmtString (Numeric)12Transaction amount with two decimals and thousand symbols.

Note: Maximum value is 12 digits; which includes the digit(s) after the decimal place.
ExpTxnAmtString1Exponent of transaction amount."2"
CardNoString19Token number."8815023000256377XXX"
ExpiryYearString2Card expiry year
Format: YY.
ExpiryMthString2Card expiry month
Format: MM.
ECIString2Ecommerce transaction type."12" - Recurring Transaction(Stored Credential)
TokenFlagString1Card tokenization."Y" – Agree to store the card details used for the payment into PayMASTER system,
"N" – Disagree/FPX payment

Example Message

CC Payment Authorization Request
curl -X GET "" \