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Submit the Person's Information from the ID Document


Method : POST


This method allows the submission of a request to check authenticity of ID document based on the submitted image and extract the person’s information from the ID document.

The response will include:

  • The assessment whether the ID document’s image is that of a genuine document based the various landmark checks and if the document is considered authentic
  • It will return all information that can be extracted from the document.

Request Parameters

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
sourceInfoYesObjectSource information.Refer to explanation below.
interactionModeYesObjectInteraction mode.Refer to explanation below.
deviceOptionalObjectDevice information.Refer to explanation below.
idTypeYesStringID type."mykad"
idNoYesStringID number."97XXXXXXXXXX"
fullNameYesStringFull name."Wong XXX XXX"
idImageYesObjectID image.Refer to explanation below.

Object: sourceInfo

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
partnerIdYesStringPartner ID."BSSS"
productTypeOptionalStringPartner type."appTest"
apiVersionYesStringAPI version."1.6"
apiKeyConditionalStringAPI key."123-KEJRU-001"
userIdOptionalStringUser ID."mkchan"
userTokenOptionalStringUser token."APPOKJSID8J1234"

Object: interactionMode

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
callbackUrlOptionalStringCallback URL.

Object: device

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
brandYesStringBrand of the device."Vivo"
modelYesStringModel of the device."vivo 2005"
imeiOptionalNumberInternational Mobile Equipment Identity number."890077890908976"
macOptionalStringMedia Access Control address."00:11:22:33:44:55"

Object: idImage

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
imageFrontYesObjectFront image content of the ID document.Refer to explanation below.
imageBackConditionalObjectBack image content of the ID document.Refer to explanation below.

Object: imageFront

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
contentEncodingYesStringEncoding format of the image."base64"
contentMediaTypeYesStringMedia type of the image data."jpeg"
imageYesStringEntire image data."/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQ"

Object: imageBack

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
contentEncodingYesStringEncoding format of the image."base64"
contentMediaTypeYesStringMedia type of the image data."jpeg"
imageYesStringEntire image data."/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQ"

Example Message

/aivpersonidtfy POST Request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"sourceInfo": {
"source": "test",
"partnerId": "test",
"productType": "appTest",
"reference": " AIVref220610181940",
"apiVersion": "1.6",
"apiKey": "",
"userId": "",
"userToken": ""
"interactionMode": {
"callbackUrl": "",
"mode": "SYNC"
"idType": "mykad",
"fullName": "Wong XXX XXX",
"nationality": "MY",
"idNo": "97XXXXXXXXXX",
"idImage": {
"imageFront": {
"contentMediaType": "image/jpeg",
"contentEncoding": "base64"
"imageBack": {
"contentMediaType": "image/jpeg",
"contentEncoding": "base64"
"device": {
"imei": "",
"model": "",
"brand": "",
"mac": ""