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Submit the Person's "Live" Image Video


Method : POST
Desc :


This service will check the resemblance of holder's "live" image video against holder’s image from ID document.

The inputs required for this request are as follows:

  • The referenceId of the response for an earlier submitted /aivpersonidtfy POST request so that AIV retrieve the extracted image of the applicant from the ID document.
  • The applicant submits a 3 - 5 seconds “live” video of the applicant face so that we can check against the applicant’s image extracted from the ID document.

The response will include:

  • The assessment whether the applicant’s face from the “live” video bears any resemblance with the ID document’s image;
  • The degree of resemblance expresses as a percentage and an image from the video which has the highest degree of resemblance.

Request Parameters

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
sourceInfoYesObjectSource information.Refer to explanation below.
interactionModeYesObjectInteraction mode.Refer to explanation below.
aivRefIdYesStringAIV reference ID."2003160192931"
holderFaceVideoYesObject"Live" video of the applicant's face.Refer to explanation below.

Object: sourceInfo

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
partnerIdYesStringPartner ID."BSSS"
productTypeOptionalStringPartner type."appTest"
apiVersionYesStringAPI version."1.6"
apiKeyConditionalStringAPI key."123-KEJRU-001"
userIdOptionalStringUser ID."mkchan"
userTokenOptionalStringUser token."APPOKJSID8J1234"

Object: interactionMode

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
callbackUrlOptionalStringCallback URL.

Object: holderFaceVideo

Field NameRequiredTypeDescriptionExample
contentEncodingYesStringEncoding format of the video."base64"
contentMediaTypeYesStringMedium of the video data."mp4"
videoYesStringEntire video data."AAAAGGZ0eXBtcDQyA"

Example Message

/aivpersonvrfy POST Request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"sourceInfo": {
"reference": "205",
"apiVersion": "1.6",
"apiKey": "ABC1234567",
"source": "FNXCARDS",
"partnerId": "BSSS",
"productType": "appTest",
"userId": "mkchan",
"userToken": "APPOKJJSIDJ1234"
"interactionMode": {
"mode": "SYNC",
"callbackUrl": ""
"language": "en",
"aivRefId": "73",
"holderFaceVideo": {
"contentEncoding": "base64",
"contentMediaType": "mp4",
"video": "AAAAGGZ0eXBtcDQyA"