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Void Payment Parameters


Action request URL for VOID :

Mandatory / Conditional Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
MsgVerString20Version number."1.0"
CallerDeviceTypeString20Caller device type."01" – Mobile Device
"02" – Android EDC
"03" – Self-service Kiosk
CallerDeviceVerString20Application version number of the caller device."2.0.1"
TxnIDString50Unique transaction ID assigned by caller application.

Note: Caller app, may generate a random UUID for this purpose.
LocalTxnDTTimeInt16Local date and time in which the void transaction takes place in.

Format: YYYYMMDDMMDDhhmmss

Note: Refer to LocalTxnDtTime field in Sales Response Parameters.
EmailString100User email address to login.""
PwdString16User password to login."ABCD1234"
AmtTxnNumber12(Amount, Transaction)

The purchase transaction amount in supported currency.

No decimal point appears in this field; the decimal place is implied in Exponent of Transaction Amount according to CrcyTxn defined in ISO 4217 numeric currency code.
CrcyTxnInt3ISO 4217 numeric currency code of this transaction."458"
STANInt6System Trace Audit Number of the original transaction to be voided.

Note: Refer to STAN field in Sales Response Parameters.
AuthIdRespString16Authorization code of the original transaction to be voided.

Note: Refer to AuthIdResp field in Sales Response Parameters.
RRNString12Retrieval reference number of the original transaction to be voided.

Note: Refer to RRN field in Sales Response Parameters.
MRNString40Merchant Reference Number of the original transaction to be voided.

Note: Refer to MRN field in Sales Response Parameters.
TxnTypString3Conditional field
Transaction type.

Mandatory if mQPOS integrate with ECR via Bluetooth or USB Serial Cable.
"STX" - Sale transaction
"VOD" - Void transaction