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Refund Payment Parameters


Action request URL for REFUND :

Mandatory / Conditional Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
MsgVerString20Version number."1.0"
CallerDeviceTypeString20Caller device type."01" – Mobile Device
"02" – Android EDC
"03" – Self-service Kiosk
CallerDeviceVerString20Application version number of the caller device."2.0.1"
RefundTxnIDString50Unique transaction ID assigned by caller application.

Note: Caller app, may generate a random UUID for this purpose.
OriTxnIDString50Original transaction ID

The transaction of the payment to be refund.
LocalTxnDTTimeInt16Local date and time in which the refund transaction takes place in.

Format: YYYYMMDDMMDDhhmmss

Note: Refer to LocalTxnDTTime field in Sales Response Parameters.
EmailString100User email address to login.""
PwdString16User password to login."ABCD1234"
RefundAmtNumber12Refund amount

No decimal point appears in this field; the decimal place is implied in Exponent of Transaction Amount according to CrcyTxn defined in ISO 4217 numeric currency code.
CrcyTxnInt3ISO 4217 numeric currency code of this transaction."458"
OptInPmtAckmntString1Opt-in payment acknowledgement feature."Y" - Payment acknowledgement will be showed if payment successful.
"N" - Payment acknowledgement will not be showed if payment successful.

Default is "Y"