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Appendix 1

Reason Codes and Status


Reason codes will returns once meet a specific reasons.


Transaction Status (TxnSts)

  • ACSP and ACTC indicated that the account / proxy enquiry, or the DuitNow credit transfer is succeed.
  • RJCT indicate that the account / proxy enquiry, or the DuitNow credit transfer is rejected. Partner shall refer to the Reason Code (Rsn) for the detail reason description.
  • OTHR are the payment that is not exists in the PayNet RPP Host system. Partner shall validate the interface message again before resend.

Reason Code (Rsn)Reason DescriptionTransaction Status (TxnSts)
12Invalid transaction / Transaction not allowed. (RFI)RJCT
13Unable to credit, Invalid Amount. (RFI)RJCT
25Invalid signature
- RPP to RFI
- RPP to SAN
- SAN to RFI
29Internal error at Bank’s System. (RFI)RJCT
30SAN/ RFI/ RPP received a format error on the message. (RFI)RJCT
31Bank Not Supported by Switch. (RFI)RJCT
39Invalid Account (RFI).RJCT
40Invalid transaction / Transaction not allowed. (RFI)RJCT
45Unable to credit to Beneficiary Account due to
- dormant
- invalid
- closed
- blacklisted
- on hold or blocked
- deceased (RFI)
52Invalid Account - no Current account. (RFI)RJCT
53Invalid Account - no Savings account. (RFI)RJCT
57Invalid transaction / Transaction not allowed. (SAN)
Requested Function Not Supported. (SAN)
94Duplicate Transmission
Same with ISO - Transaction reference is not unique within the message. (RFI)
N3Invalid Account (RFI).RJCT
0001Missing mandatory field.RJCT
0002Invalid attribute type (does not match any attribute types plugin).RJCT
0003Endpoint has not definition for given attribute type.RJCT
0005Unsupported length encoding.RJCT
0008Extra content for array field while decoding value .RJCT
0009Not enough elements for array field of fixed number of elements while decoding value.RJCT
0010Array field too long while encoding.RJCT
0011Array field too short while encoding.RJCT
0012Length value too long to encode for specified length type.RJCT
0014Encoding content too long for size of field.RJCT
0015Inbound field validation failed.RJCT
0016Outbound field validation failed.RJCT
0017Inbound validation rule failed.RJCT
0018Outbound validation rule failed.RJCT
0019Script execution error.RJCT
0020Inbound Assignment Error.RJCT
0021Outbound Assignment Error.RJCT
0022Configuration Error.RJCT
0023Unknown Field.RJCT
0029Invalid data found for decode.RJCT
0030Invalid data found for encode.RJCT
0031Encoding content too short for size of field.RJCT
0032Invalid tag delimiter.RJCT
0033Invalid attribute delimiter.RJCT
0034Not matching end tag.RJCT
0035Not well formed XML data.RJCT
0036Decoded length is invalid .RJCT
0037Unsupported Message Composition.RJCT
0038Unsupported Message Type.RJCT
0039Field Not Enabled.RJCT
0040No Matching Session Found.RJCT
0041No Message type.RJCT
0042Runtime Error.RJCT
0043No Session Definition.RJCT
0044Message Correlation Error.RJCT
0049Session Not Active.RJCT
0050No Outbound Handler.RJCT
0054Encoded payload is too large for configured maximum message size.RJCT
0055Encoded header is too large for configured maximum message size.RJCT
0056Encoded trailer is too large for configured maximum message size.RJCT
0057MAC validation failed.RJCT
0058MAC generation failed.RJCT
0059Data encryption failed.RJCT
0060Data decryption failed.RJCT
0061PIN translation failed.RJCT
0062PIN verification failed.RJCT
U000Your transaction is successful.ACSP
U002Your transaction is accepted for processing (stored in SAF).ACTC
U101Tenant Not Found.RJCT
U102Tenant Not Active.RJCT
U103Tenant Undefined.RJCT
U104Inbound Scheme Not Found.RJCT
U105Outbound Scheme Not Found.RJCT
U106Outbound Scheme Inactive.RJCT
U107Original Payment Not Found.OTHR
U108Original Payment Rejected.OTHR
U109Original Payment Not Responded.OTHR
U110Payment Not Accepted.RJCT
U111Minimum Amount Check Failed.RJCT
U112Maximum Amount Check Failed.RJCT
U113Mod 10 Check Failed.RJCT
U114Mod 11 Check Failed.RJCT
U115Date Sent Tolerance Check Failed.RJCT
U116Date Settlement Tolerance Check Failed.RJCT
U117Original Date Tolerance Configuration Error.RJCT
U118Original Date Tolerance Check Failed.RJCT
U119Session Validation Failed.RJCT
U121Inbound Bank Not Found.RJCT
U122Inbound Bank Inactive.RJCT
U123Product Undefined.RJCT
U124Product Undefined.RJCT
U125Inbound Bank Id Cannot be Determined (Bank Classifier not found).RJCT
U126Outbound Bank Cannot be Determined.RJCT
U127Product Not Found.RJCT
U128Outbound Bank Not Active.RJCT
U129Inbound Settlement Bank cannot be determined.RJCT
U130Inbound Settlement Bank not found.RJCT
U131Outbound Settlement Bank not found.RJCT
U132Inbound Settlement Bank Inactive.RJCT
U133Outbound Settlement Bank not found.RJCT
U134Outbound Settlement Bank Inactive.RJCT
U135Pre-Authorization Match Not Found.RJCT
U140Alias Not Found.RJCT
U141Pre-Authorization Stand-In Limit Exceeded.RJCT
U142Invalid Account.RJCT
U149Duplicate Transaction.RJCT
U160Settlement Rules Not Found.RJCT
U164Settlement Total Management Not Configured.RJCT
U170Online Route Not Found.RJCT
U171Online Authorization Exception.RJCT
U172Online Authorization Exception No Response Returned.RJCT
U173Outbound Scheme Route Not Found.RJCT
U180Authorization Service is Not Configured.RJCT
U181Stand-In Limit Exceeded.RJCT
U185Stand In Not Permitted.RJCT
U186Stand In No Response.RJCT
U187Stand In forwarding Advice cannot be delivered.RJCT
U190Liquidity Management Rules Not Configured.RJCT
U191Liquidity Rules Not Found.RJCT
U192Liquidity Position Validation Rule not found (Threshold limits).RJCT
U193Liquidity Position Validation Failure.RJCT
U194Insufficient Liquidity to Process Payment.RJCT
U195Liquidity Forced Payment Rejection.RJCT
U200LQM Maximum Amount Not Found.RJCT
U201LQM Maximum Amount Exceeded.RJCT
U202LQM Net Sender Threshold Limit Not Found.RJCT
U203LQM Insufficient Net Sender Funds.RJCT
U210Outbound Scheme Not Found.RJCT
U211Outbound Scheme Not Active.RJCT
U212Connector Not Found.RJCT
U213Connector Configuration Error.RJCT
U215Message Rejected With Admi.002.RJCT
U801Addressing Agency cannot be determined.RJCT
U802Addressing Privilege not defined.RJCT
U803Not sufficient privilege to perform addressing action.RJCT
U804Alias Not Found.RJCT
U805Alias is suspended.RJCT
U806Alias already registered with the same FI but different account.RJCT
U807Alias already registered with another FI.RJCT
U808Alias already registered with the same account.RJCT
U809Not sufficient privilege to perform addressing action on an alias.RJCT
U810Alias Request Failed.RJCT
U811Alias suspended by Administrator.RJCT
U812Alias Destination Not Configured.RJCT
U813Cache Alias Maintenance Failed.RJCT
U814Alias already registered with same FI.RJCT
U815Duplicate Alias Service Request.RJCT
U902Connection or Communication Error.RJCT
U904Endpoint Error.RJCT
U992Response Not Delivered.RJCT
U993Reason Code not determined in response.RJCT
U999Signature Validation Failed on Request.RJCT
10006Duplicate Transaction.RJCT
10011Invalid Transaction Type.RJCT
10012Invalid Channel.RJCT
10013Inbound Field Validation Failed.RJCT
10021Invalid sender or receiver BIC Code.RJCT
10022Invalid Business Message ID/Look Up Reference Number.RJCT
10027Timeout. Failed to receive enquiry or payment or NAD response within 60 seconds.RJCT
10031Account Enquiry Timeout. No response from RPP Host after number of retries.RJCT
10123Non-Financial Institution Message Timeout. No response from RPP Host after number of retries. The message will be marked as Rejected.RJCT
10126Business Message ID must be the same as End to End ID.RJCT
10244Quick Response (QR) timeout. No response from RPP host after number of retries. The transaction will be marked as Accepted for Transaction Enquiry Request purpose.RJCT
RPP12Your transaction is not successful. Invalid transaction / Transaction not allowed.RJCT
RPP13Your transaction is not successful. Invalid Amount.RJCT
RPP29There is technical problem. Please try again later.RJCT
RPP45Your transaction is not successful. Please check on Beneficiary AccountRJCT
RPP49Your transaction is not successful. Merchant is inactive, suspended, or terminated.RJCT
RPP94Your transaction is not successful. Duplicate transaction found.RJCT
RPPN3Your transaction is not successful. Invalid Sender Account.RJCT
H001Connection refused. Authentication Error.RJCT

Reason Code below are for System Not Available due to maintenance or batch processing time.

Reason Code (Rsn)Reason Description
U170Online Route Not Found.
U171Online Authorization Exception.
U172Online Authorization Exception No Response Returned.
U173Outbound Scheme Route Not Found.
U180Authorization Service is Not Configured.