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Transaction Status Enquiry


Method : POST


This API call enables partner to enquire status from RPG if transfer via DuitNow or Credit Transfer doesn't return a response. The request shall be made with the same Sender Reference Number sndrRefNo of the DuitNow / Credit Transfer to retrieve the payment transfer status. RPG will respond to Partner with the credit transfer status.

Mandatory Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
sndrIDString19Sender identification."FNXSMYNX"
sndrIDTypeString1Sender identification type."0" – Primary Account Number,
"1" – LOC Account Number,
"2" – Unique Reference Number (URN),
"3" – Merchant ID (MID)
sndrRefNoString35Sender reference number."FNXS00000002"
orgnTxnRefNoString35Original transaction reference number."FNXS202205050001"
sndrLocalTxnTimeString14Local transaction time."20220505104518"
sndrDeviceTypeString2Sender device type."01" – Server,
"02" – Mobile,
"03" – Self-service Kiosk
sndrDeviceVerString20Sender application version number."1.0.35"
signatureString999Signature of the message in Base64 format."..."

Example Message

Transaction Status Enquiry Request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"message": {