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Account Balance Enquiry


Method : POST


This API call enables Partner to send an Account Balance enquiry request to RPG. RPG responds to Partner with the account balance information.

Mandatory Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
sndrIDString19Sender identification."FNXSMYNX"
sndrIDTypeString1Sender identification type."0" – Primary Account Number,
"1" – LOC Account Number,
"2" – Unique Reference Number (URN),
"3" – Merchant ID (MID)
sndrRefNoString35Sender reference number.""
sndrLocalTxnTimeString14Local transaction time."20220505104518"
sndrDeviceTypeString2Sender device type."01" – Server,
"02" – Mobile,
"03" – Self-service Kiosk
sndrDeviceVerString20Sender application version number."1.0.35"
signatureString999Signature of the message in Base64 format."..."

Example Message

Account Balance Enquiry Request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"message": {