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Payment Transfer


Method : POST


This API call sends request for instruction of the payment transfer via DuitNow or Credit Transfer.

  • Credit Transfer ( txnType = 010 )
  • DuitNow Transfer ( txnType = 110 )

DuitNow or Credit Transfer response will be sending back to the partner. Partner shall check the transaction status txnSts to ensure no error on the request.

Mandatory Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
txnTypeString (Numeric)3Transaction type."010" - Credit Transfer,
"110" - DuitNow Transfer
sndrIDString19Sender identification."FNXSMYNX"
sndrIDTypeString1Sender identification type."0" – Primary Account Number,
"1" – LOC Account Number,
"2" – Unique Reference Number (URN),
"3" – Merchant ID (MID)
rcvrBICString8Beneficiary BIC. Appendix 4"RPPEMYKL"
sndrRefNoString35Sender reference number."FNXS00000002"
sndrLocalTxnTimeString14Local transaction time."20220505104518"
sndrDeviceTypeString2Sender device type."01" – Server,
"02" – Mobile,
"03" – Self-service Kiosk
sndrDeviceVerString20Sender application version number."1.0.35"
catPurpString4Category purpose."CASH" - Cash,
"CCRD" - Credit Card,
"LOAN" - Loan
currCodeString3Currency code."MYR"
txnAmtString (Numeric)18,2Transaction amount."1000.00"
rcptRefString40Recipient reference entered by customer."20201102REF0001"
lkUpRefString35Look up reference."20201015FNXSMYNB610OOT01000001"
signatureString999Signature of the message in Base64 format."..."
Optional Fields
Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
pymtDescString140Other payment description."Transfer via account"
ipAddrString100Sender IP Address.""
emailAddrString100Recipient's email address.""
mobileNoString22Recipient's mobile number."0127461835"

Example Message

Payment Transfer Request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"message": {
"pymtDesc":"Transfer via account",