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OBW Payment

Below is the process to make OBW payment through PayMaster Payment Gateway.

Step 1 : Customer enters checkout details

Customer enters checkout details required by the Merchant from the Merchant’s site. Then, customer clicks on Pay to activate the PayMaster Payment Gateway.

Image below displays a sample merchant checkout page.

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Step 2 : Customer redirected to Bank Listing

Customer is redirected to PayMaster Payment Gateway page, and chooses a bank or wallet to pay with from the Bank Listing.

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Step 2.0 : Customer logs into Bank's respective website

Customer enters login details at chosen Bank's online banking platform.

Step 3 : Customer submits payment

Customer proceeds to submit payment.

Step 4 : Customer receives payment status

Step 4.0 : Customer receives payment notification status on the online banking platform.

Step 4.1 : Transaction is pending settlement.

  • In case the transaction is awaiting settlement, it is advisable to conduct re-queries at 30-second intervals for a duration of up to 3 hours.
  • Merchant is advised to use discretion in concluding the re-querying process at an appropriate juncture.
  • In cases where the acquirer takes an unusually long time to confirm the transaction status, it is recommended to promptly notify the customer.
  • If the transaction is canceled by the merchant (opting not to deliver goods/services), merchant should guide the customer to verify if the fund have been deducted from their account:
    • If the account is debited, advise the customer to contact the bank to initiate a refund/dispute.
    • If the account is not debited, suggest that the customer consider initiating a new transaction.

Generally, B2C transactions are expected to be completed within 15 minutes while B2B transactions might extend up to 3 days.


The merchant should refrain from making conclusive decisions regarding the OBW transaction status at any point. The ultimate status is determined by the FINEXUS system, which is updated by PayNet/Issuer systems.

Step 5 : Customer redirected to the Merchant’s site

After the payment is processed, customer will be redirected back to the Merchant’s site with a notification on the payment status.

Step 5.0 : Sample successful payment screen

Image below displays a sample notification screen from Merchant’s site when the payment is processed successfully.

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Step 5.1 : Sample failed payment screen

Image below displays a sample notification screen from Merchant’s site when the payment is failed.

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