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Appendix 2

Response Code

01Invalid Message Type
02Invalid Version Number
03Unsupported Version Number
04Invalid compression algorithm
05Invalid transmission date
06Invalid transmission time
07Missing email address and password
08Invalid HP number
09Suspicious HP number
10Suspicious fingerprinting
11Invalid mobile IMEI
12Suspicious mobile IMEI
13Unsupported mobile OS version
14Suspicious reader serial number
15Invalid/Unsupported reader
16Current country is not allowed (extract from GPS location)
17Invalid Session ID
18Session timed-out
19Invalid Merchant status (Suspended or blocked)
20User account is locked (suspended or blocked)
21Invalid payment type (PymtTyp)
22Invalid transaction amount
23Invalid cash back amount
24Invalid additional amount
25Invalid transaction date and time (TxnDt)
26Invalid PAN
27Invalid processing code
28Invalid STAN
29Invalid PAN sequence number
30Invalid CSC2/CVV2/CVC2/CVN2 Data
31Missing/Invalid PIN Block
32Missing/Invalid CVM
33Missing/Invalid expiry date
34Missing/Invalid transaction currency code
35Invalid processing fee
36Invalid/Missing country code
37Invalid/Missing ICC data
38Invalid/Missing password
39Old Password unmatched
40Invalid/Missing OTP
41Invalid email address
42Settlement Error
43Invalid/Unauthorized IP Address
44Exceed password retry limit
45Unsuccessful upload image to host
46Froce change password
47No Internet Connection
48Insufficient privilege
49Invalid Transaction (General)
50Invalid Transaction Status
51Declined by Acquirer
52Router Not Matched
53Password exist in history
54Failed To Change Password
55Invalid Old Password
56Invalid New Password
57Device Is Locked
58Exceeded Allowable Logon Session
59Exceeded Refund Amount
60Service Not Available
61Force App Update
62Invalid Version OS
63Transaction Status Unknown
64Missing Mandatory Data
75Timed out to Terminal
76Declined at Terminal
77Device is processing
78Transaction ID is existed
79Device is not registered
90Invalid SHV
91Invalid SHT
92Unable to associate the email address to merchant/terminal
93Could not locate merchant record
94Could not locate product catalogue/menu
95Invalid MID
96Invalid TID
99Server Error