QR Payment Parameters
is not applicable for QR payments, refunds are required.
- Request Parameters
- Response Parameters
Mandatory Fields
Field Name | Type | Length | Description | Example |
MsgVer | String | 20 | Version number. | "1" |
PmtType | String | 2 | Type of payment. | "04" - Duitnow QR payment "08" - A+ QR Payment |
CallerDeviceType | String | 20 | Caller device type. | "04" - Web based |
Email | String | 100 | User email address logged in to the device | "customer123@gmail.com" |
DeviceSN | String | 20 | Device Serial Number. | "PPXXX72209005XXX" |
CallerDeviceVer | String | 20 | Application version number of the caller device. | "1" |
TxnID | String | 50 | Unique transaction ID assigned by caller application. | "2021061414062021072" |
LocalTxnDTTime | String | 14 | Local date and time which transactions takes place in YYYYMMDDhhmmss format. | "20200131091025" |
AmtTxn | String | 12 | Transaction amount. | "100" |
CrcyTxn | String | 3 | Original transaction currency numeric code. | "458" |
MID | String | 15 | Merchant ID. | "0000100000130XX" |
sourceSystem | String | 3 | Channel/Source Name. | "mxx" |
sequenceNo | String | 16 | A running message sequence number which unique within system on a calendar day and shall restart from 1 every day. | "2022091511262180" |
signedMessage | String | 2048 | The signature value is generated from other fileds, then signed by RSA private key. Please refer to Appendix 1. | "..." |
Optional Fields
Field Name | Type | Length | Description | Example |
Description | String | 256 | Order description | Coffee |
CallerDeviceId | String | 32 | Caller device id. | |
OptInPrintReceipt | String | 1 | Opt-in print receipt feature. | "Y" - Print receipt button is visible. "N" - Print receipt button is invisible. Default is "Y" |
OptInSendEReceipt | String | 1 | Opt-in send e-receipt feature. | "Y" - Send e-receipt button is visible. "N" - Send e-receipt button is invisible. Default is "Y" |
OptInPmtAckmnt | String | 1 | Opt-in payment acknowledgement feature. | "Y" - Payment acknowledgement will be showed. "N" - Payment acknowledgement will not be showed. Default is "Y" |
Mandatory / Conditional Fields
Field Name | Type | Length | Description | Example |
MsgVer | String | 20 | Version number. | "1" |
TxnID | String | 50 | Unique transaction ID assigned by caller application. | "2021061414062020000" |
ResultCode | String | 2 | Result code responded by mPOS. Please refer to Appendix 3 for details. | "00" |
RespCd | String | 2 | Conditional field Response returned from acquiring host. Please refer to Appendix 2 for details. | "00" |
OrgRespCd | String | 2 | Conditional field Original response code from issuer/bank. | "00" |
RRN | String | 12 | Conditional field A retrieval reference number generated by the acquirer host. | "307219058382" |
STAN | String | 6 | Conditional field Returned by host, set in result Intent. System Trace Audit Number of the original transaction. | "58382" |
AuthIdResp | String | 16 | Conditional field Authorization code from issuer/bank for approved transaction only. The consumer should use this code as the reference to the approved payment transaction. | "484684" |
MRN | String | 40 | Conditional field Merchant Reference Number from acquiring host. | "23072AMgLI" |
TxnDTTime | String | 14 | Conditional field Local date and time which transactions takes place in YYYYMMDDMMDDhhmmss format. | "20230313190732" |
MaskedPAN | String | 4 | Conditional field Return Masked PAN. | "443322******1234" |
PaymentScheme | String | 20 | Conditional field Payment scheme of the transaction. | "VS" |
HTR | String | 20 | Conditional field Host Transaction Reference A unique transaction reference number generated by ACQ host. | |
AdvMsg | String | 256 | Included by Host to ease the support and problem diagnostic. | |
sourceSystem | String | 3 | Channel/Source Name. | "mxx" |
sequenceNo | String | 16 | A running message sequence number which unique within system on a calendar day and shall restart from 1 every day. | "2022091511262180" |
signedMessage | String | 2048 | The signature value is generated from other fileds, then signed by RSA private key. Please refer to Appendix 1. | "..." |
Example Message
- Request
- Response
POST Request
curl -X POST
"https://xxx.xxx.com/xxx/xxx/mqpos-host/thirdparty/paymentAuthorization" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
POST Response