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QR Payment Parameters

Method GET


The following parameters are provided to PayMaster for payment processing.

Upon completion of the QR Transaction Request, PayMaster will send a response to the merchant server. The merchant server should then examine the transaction status (TxnStat) to determine the outcome of the QR Transaction Request.

Mandatory / Conditional Fields

Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
PaymentIDString3Payment method / function."Q03" - QR Payment for Duitnow Normal Sales
MerchantIDString15Assigned merchant ID (MID)."000010000099939"
ProcCodeString6Procedure Code."003000"
TxnAmtString (Numeric)12Transaction amount."1280.99"
POSCondString2Point-of-sale or Point-of-service condition code."67"
CurrCodeString3ISO 4217 currency numeric code."458"
ExpTxnAmtString1Exponent of transaction amount."2"
OrigTxnAmtString (Numeric)12Conditional field
Original transaction amount.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only. Mandatory if OrigCurrCode exists.
OrigCurrCodeString3Conditional field
Original transaction ISO 4217 currency numeric code.

Note: Mandatory if OrigTxnAmt exists.
CountryCodeString2Conditional field
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
FICodeString20Conditional field
Financial insitution code that entitled for the promotion. Appendix 4
ServiceIDString3Service ID."FNX"
MerchRefNoString40Unique merchant reference number."2021061414062021072"
SuccRespURLString512Successful payment page." "
BizNmString35Conditional field
Business Name.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
"Inside Scoop Sdn. Bhd"
BizAddrZIPCodeString10Conditional field
Business Address ZIP Code.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
BizAddrStateCodeString4Conditional field
Business Address State Code.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
TerminalIDString8Terminal ID.

Note: An identification code of fewer than 8 positions must be left-justified and the remainder of the field space-filled.
PayloadIndString2QR Payload Indicator."12" – Merchant Presented Dynamic QR Code
PANIndString2PAN Indicator."26" – DuitNow RPP,
"97" – Alipay+
SndrIDTypeString1Conditional field
Sender Identification Type.

Note: Optional for PaymentID = "Q01".
"2" - Unique Reference Number (URN)
QRPayloadString512Conditional field
QR Payload.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only. Refers to QRPayload in response message of the previous PaymentID = "Q01".
TxnFlagString2Conditional field
Indication of the transaction response reaction.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
"CP" – Consumer Presented Payment
MerchPANString31Conditional field
Merchant PAN.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.

Fields formats

  • TxnAmt and OrigTxnAmt - Transaction amount with two decimals and thousand symbols. Maximum length includes the digit(s) after the decimal place.
Optional Fields
Field NameTypeLengthDescriptionExample
AuthIDRespCodeString6Authorisation ID Response Code (AuthIDRespCode) of the response message of the previous PaymentID = "Q01".

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
RetrievalRefNoString12Retrieval Reference Number.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
UserContactString20Customer contact number."6012888888"
UserIPAddressString30User IP address.

Note: Subjected to Payment Provider requirement.
PortalUserIDString256Portal user ID.O5ACzHbvQNm3iNAwdvi1Sg==
DeviceIDString64Customer Device ID."463508442328857/02"
MCCString4Merchant category code or merchant classification code.

Note: Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.
TxnIDString50Transaction ID.

Note: Only supported for UnionPay URL QR. Applicable to PaymentID = "Q02" only.

Example Message

Consumer Presented QR Payment Request
curl -X GET