Payment Parameters
- Request Parameters
- Response Parameters
The Recurring Payment Request Message is utilized to request approval from card issuers to transfer funds from the cardholder's account to the merchant's account. After sending the request, the Merchant Server is expected to receive a corresponding response message from PayMaster within the specified timeout period.
Mandatory Fields
Field Name | Type | Length | Description | Example |
PaymentID | String | 3 | Payment method / function. | "C04" |
MerchRefNo | String | 40 | Unique merchant reference number. | "2021061414062021072" |
CurrCode | String | 3 | ISO 4217 currency numeric code. | "458" |
TxnAmt | String (Numeric) | 12 | Transaction amount with two decimals and thousand symbols. Note: Maximum value is 12 digits; which includes the digit(s) after the decimal place. | "1280.99" |
ExpTxnAmt | String | 1 | Exponent of transaction amount. | "2" |
CardNo | String | 19 | Token number. | "8815023000256377XXX" |
ExpiryYear | String | 2 | Card expiry year Format: YY. | "27" |
ExpiryMth | String | 2 | Card expiry month Format: MM. | "10" |
ECI | String | 2 | Ecommerce transaction type. | "12" - Recurring Transaction(Stored Credential) |
TokenFlag | String | 1 | Card tokenization. | "Y" – Agree to store the card details used for the payment into PayMASTER system, "N" – Disagree/FPX payment |
The Recurring Payment Response Message is sent in response to the request message initiated by the Merchant Server. This message provides the outcome of the authorization approval. The Merchant Server should examine the RespCode
to determine the processing result of the request. Additionally, the TxnStatDetCde
provides supplementary information or status about the transaction, if available.
Upon completion of the card payment process, PayMaster will redirect the customer's browser to the specified return URL based on the completion status.
Mandatory / Conditional Fields
Field Name | Type | Length | Description | Example |
MerchantID | String | 15 | Merchant ID. Note: Same value of MerchantID stored in properties file. | "000010000099939" |
MerchRefNo | String | 40 | Merhant Reference Number. | "20230119110520FNX" |
TxnStatus | String | 2 | Transaction status. Appendix 3 | "00" |
SHAlgorithmType | String | 3 | Secure Hash Algorithm type. | "SH2" |
SHValue | String | 64 | Secure Hash Value. Appendix 1 | "..." |
CardNo | String | 19 | Conditional field Card number. | "545301XXXXXX5323" |
CardType | String | 3 | Conditional field Card type. | "VSA" – Visa card, "MST" - Mastercard, "CUP" – China Union Pay |
ExpiryYear | String | 2 | Conditional field Card expiry year. | "27" |
ExpiryMth | String | 2 | Conditional field Card expiry month. | "10" |
AuthIDRespCode | String | 6 | Conditional field Authorization ID response code. Note: Available for successful payment. | "397939" |
CVV2ResultCode | String | 1 | Conditional field Card Verification Value 2 result code. | "0" |
RetrievalRefNo | String | 12 | Conditional field Retrieval reference number. | "301930987112" |
OrigRespCode | String | 8 | Conditional field Original response code. Appendix 3 Note: Available if the original bank response code is not larger than 8 characters. | "00" |
Token | String | 19 | Conditional field Reference number of new card stored. Note: Mandatory if TokenFlag is "Y". | "8801923000216577863" |
MaskCardNo | String | 19 | Conditional field Masked card number. Note: Mandatory if TokenFlag is "Y". | "84415977423665" |
are available if returned by the acquirer in the response message.MerchRefNo
- Same value as in prior payment request.
Optional Fields
Field Name | Type | Length | Description | Example |
TxnDtTm | String | 14 | Transaction date and time. Format: yyyymmddhhmmss | "20230119110544" |
TxnStatDetCde | String | 4 | Transaction status detail code. | "0000" |
TxnStatMsg | String | 256 | Transaction status message. | "SUCCESS" |
OrderRefNo | String | 34 | Order reference number. | "OTMEGASTORE-20010831-ONLINE-007" |
TxnDtTm | String | 14 | Transaction date and time. Format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss. | "20230119110544" |
CurrCode | String | 3 | Currency code. | "458" |
TxnAmt | String (Numeric) | 12 | Transaction amount. | "1280.99" |
ExpTxnAmt | String | 1 | Exponent of transaction amount. | "2" |
PymtGwRefNo | String | 20 | Payment Gateway reference number. | "230119110548AC031FNX" |
EcommMerchInd | String | 1 | Ecommerce merchant indicator. | "0" - Non-E-Commerce merchant, "1" - E-Commerce (3D Secure), "2" - E-Commerce (Non-3D Secure/MOTO) |
TokenFlag | String | 1 | Card tokenization. | "Y" – Agree to store the card details used for the payment into PayMaster system, "N" – Disagree/FPX payment |
TokenShrtName | String | 20 | Profile reference name. | "fnxcard1" |
MerchUserID | String | 50 | Merchant user ID. | "guest-finexus" |
MerchPromoCode | String | 105 | Merchant promotion code used by customer. | "CYBERSALES/GOODDAY/GIVEME" |
MerchPromoAmt | String (Numeric) | 64 | Merchant promotion amount used by customer. | "1.90/2.99/10.00" |
PromoAmtAcqCost | String (Numeric) | 12 | Promotion amount cost borne by Acquirer. | "0.90/0.99/5.00" |
PromoAmtMerchCost | String (Numeric) | 12 | Promotion amount cost borne by Merchant. | "0.90/0.99/5.00" |
MerchHostID | String | 8 | Merchant host identifier. | "M2022121" |
MerchSessionID | String | 256 | Merchant session ID. | "20230113172620" |
TerminalID | String | 8 | Terminal ID. Note: An identification code of fewer than 8 positions must be left-justified and the remainder of the field space-filled. | "T2022121" |
POSEnvFlag | String | 1 | POS environment flag. | "C" – Unscheduled credential on file, "I" – Installment, "R" – Recurring |
Example Message
- Request
- Response
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